Monday, March 2, 2009

Unit 2 Prewriting

What connects my sources?

- General Motors is the key component in all my sources. Since it is what I am researching It is what all my sources are about. General Motor’s financial situation is another idea that connects all the sources together. They all talk a bit differently about GM’s finances but almost all the articles are about how GM got into their present situation or how they are going to get out.

Summary (from above)

- The controlling idea of my essay is General Motor’s financial situation, more specifically how they managed to get into such a bad financial crises and how they are going to get out of it.

Order of sources I already have

- I believe my first source should be one that deals with how General Motor’s got themselves into their infamous financial situation.
- Secondly I’d like to use a source that ties the past years that GM hasn’t been doing things right into the time period right before the economy went downhill and GM used up all their funds.
- Third I would like to use a article about the present day situation that GM is in. Probably news from current Wall Street, USA today, etc.
- Fourth, If I can find one, I’d like an article about the future outlook of General Motors. About how they are changing and what the government decides to do about bailing them out for the second time.

How I am going to do this organization, justify my organization.

- The reason I have chosen to organize my paper like this is because I believe it portrays the best example of how GM got into their present day jam. I chose to do it chronologically because it is easiest to follow that way. It will start from the beginning stages and then follow the actual stages that GM took over the past years and more importantly months of crises. I will explain how they got into the jam they are in, I will explain what they are doing to get out of it and then I will describe peoples opinion’s about the future outlook of General Motors.

Go through and figure out how I am going to transition from source to source.

- I think my transitions are pretty simple since the paper is going to be in chronological order. Between the sources I should be leading up to the new information throughout my paragraphs anyways since I will be following the natural course of time. Although, I may try and tie in outside information in the transitions so it flows better and people understand the context that the auto financial crises is involved in. Since the whole world is in a bigger financial crises, and the auto sector is a small part of that I think it is important that people understand that. I will add some of that outside info into my sources because it will help tie in all the stats presented throughout the paper.

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